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Mindfulness In Nature

Date(s): October 24th, November 14th, November 21st, December 5th, December 19th

Time(s): 2:30 PM

Location: Cache Creek Nature Preserve (see map)

Sponsored by: Cache Creek Conservancy

Cost: Free

Take a moment in nature guided by Mary Perez, LMFT

Come experience the six-part mindfulness workshop based on the Kabat-Zinn method in serene and natural settings at the Cache Creek Conservancy.

View along a metal and wood bridge from dirt path in the foreground to green meadow with shrubs and trees

Mindfulness enhances flexibility and adaptability. If an individual has felt stuck and frustrated by old habits, mindfulness skills promote methods for retraining the brain to get off auto-pilot. In other words, mindfulness teaches how to put on the brakes and slow down before acting on an impulse.

Mindfulness cultivates curiosity and greater ease. It helps one explore the journey and the process, as opposed to being overly focused and worried about the outcome.

Distinctive red berries and beige stalks of seeds against a blue sky with white clouds
boardwalk pathway next to tule plants.

Mindfulness changes one’s relationship to self-critical and self-blaming thoughts, thus promoting greater patience, kindness, acceptance, and hospitality toward oneself and others. Mindfulness skills and tools also help to overcome dualistic all-or-none thinking.

Mindfulness encourages greater fulfillment in daily life by focusing more on the present moment, and by reducing rumination and negative thoughts, as well as anxiety about the future.

Live Oak with low sun behind it casting dramatic light and shadows

Posted on October 14th, 2024 by Ruthye Cole

Posted in: Current, Events, Featured, General