All Current Events
The Cache Creek Conservancy has many kinds of events for the public, often at the Nature Preserve. Scroll down to see what’s happening now and how you can join in.
The Cache Creek Conservancy has many kinds of events for the public, often at the Nature Preserve. Scroll down to see what’s happening now and how you can join in.
Saturday Night, Oct. 19th
Come out to the Cache Creek Nature Preserve to experience Halloween with an outdoor twist, Tree Trunk or Treat! Learn about the “creatures of the night” who call the nature preserve their home.
Capture the wild and natural beauty of Cache Creek in time for Earth Day by participating in our amateur photo contest. Throughout the Winter and into the Spring, the Nature Preserve offers countless opportunities to practice photography and capture inspiring photos.
Take a moment in nature guided by Mary Perez, LMFT Come experience the six-part mindfulness workshop based on the Kabat-Zinn method in serene and natural settings at the Cache Creek Conservancy. Mindfulness enhances flexibility and adaptability. If an individual has felt stuck and frustrated by old habits, mindfulness skills promote methods for retraining the brain
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– Next Date is March 9th –
From prehistoric times to today, the Cache Creek Nature Preserve has played an important part in the great story of California.