A Conversation with a Mocking Bird
Spending lots of quiet time out in nature, waiting for the perfect shot, brings us closer to the creatures that live there. Jan Lightfoot, local photographer, tells us a story of one encounter.
I had conversation with a Mockingbird a while back.

It flew onto the branches of a tree very close to me as I was photographing some other birds. I was fascinated by the fearless look he gave me, so I thought he might like to have a conversation.
Me: Good morning, Mockingbird! It is a beautiful day today.
Mockingbird: Good morning to you too! Ah, yes, the sun is shining, the breeze is gentle, and the flowers are in full bloom. It’s a perfect day to be out and about.
Me: Yes, it is! Have you noticed any interesting happenings in the neighborhood lately?
Mockingbird: Oh, indeed I have! Just yesterday, I witnessed a family of squirrels playing tag in the trees. It was quite the entertaining sight!
Me: How delightful! Nature never fails to provide us with moments of joy and wonder.
Mockingbird: Indeed, it’s the little things in nature that bring the most joy. Like the way the leaves dance in the wind or the sounds of a gentle stream.
Me: Speaking of sounds, your melodies always fill the air with such beauty. Do you have any new tunes to share?
Mockingbird: Why, thank you! I’m always composing new melodies inspired by the world around me. How about I sing you a song about the changing seasons?
Me: That sounds lovely! I’ll listen with delight.
The Mockingbird began to sing, its melody carrying the essence of spring, with notes that fluttered like petals in the wind and trills that mimicked the chirping of newborn chicks.
Me: That was absolutely enchanting! Your songs truly capture the magic of nature.
Mockingbird: I’m glad you enjoyed it! Nature is my muse, and I delight in sharing its beauty through my songs.
Me: Well, thank you for gracing me with your music and your company, my dear Mockingbird. It’s always a pleasure to converse with you.
Mockingbird: The pleasure is mine, my friend. Let’s continue to cherish the wonders of nature together, one song at a time.
The moral of the story: Through observations, shared experiences, and appreciation for the small miracles of nature, our “conversations” deepen our connection to the environment and inspire us to protect and preserve it.
Jan Lightfoot, Photographer
From the fourth grade, with her Brownie camera, Jan has been involved with photography in one form or another. Transitioning from her own darkroom in high school, she joined the Idaho Statesman newspaper photography staff, and also worked in custom color printing labs both in Idaho and California. She eventually became a Certified Photographic Counselor through the Photographic Marketing Association while managing Wentling’s Camera in Walnut Creek, CA.
Coastal ICM Workshop at Point Reyes with Jan Lightfoot
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10AM thru Sunset. Only 12 spots available. Cost $175.
Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photography is a technique that involves moving the camera while taking a picture to create an abstract image with a painterly feel.