Tule Mat Making Summer Workshops
This Event is over.
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Time(s): 9 am to 1 PM
Location: Cache Creek Nature Preserve (see map)
Sponsored by: TGG Steering Committee and Cache Creek Conservancy
Cost: Free
Hi Everyone! Come join us for our Tule Mat Making days this Summer!
NOTE: Change of time to start at 9 AM.
Cultural Practitioner and Expert Diana Almendariz will be teaching Tule Gathering and Mat Making several days this summer.
The July 17th Workshop will be at the Yolo Basin for Tule Gathering. Yolo Basin Foundation is located at 45211 County Road 32B (Chiles Road) Davis, CA 95618. We will be at the wetland behind the office from 8 AM to 12 PM.
The remaining Mat-Making Workshops will be in conjunction with Tule FunDays.
Water and light snacks will be provided, but we encourage folks to bring your own lunch!
Sunglasses, hat and sunblock recommended as it may get hotter later in the day…see you soon 🙂

R-click image and Save image as… to download flyer.