Spring Egg Hunt 2025
Date(s): Sunday, April 6th
Time(s): 8 AM to 1 PM
Location: Cache Creek Nature Preserve (see map)
Sponsored by: Cache Creek Conservancy
Cost: Free

Bunnies abound our nature preserve! To celebrate our furry friends and feathered familiars, we are holding our Spring Egg Hunt for children of all ages on April 6th!
Hunt for Eggs, then Stay and Play!
We will be holding four separate egg hunts for four different age groups. All participating children will be be able to gather up to 20 eggs and each group will have a chance to find a GOLDEN EGG for a special prize!

Age Groups and Times
- 3 years old and younger
9:30 am Start Time - 4 years old – 6 years old
10:30 am Start Time - 7 years old – 10 years old
11:30 am Start Time - 10 years old and older
12:30 pm Start Time
Please Bring Your Own Basket
Sign in will be open at 8:30 am in front of the Red Wood Barn and the hunt should wrap-up around 1:30 pm for the older kids, but the nature preserve will be open until 4 PM. We hope you will stay after the egg hunt and candy explore some of the beautiful natural setting!
Be sure to wear sturdy walking shoes, sunscreen, and a hat. We ask that you bring a bottle of water as well, and a candy bucket or bag.
All participating children and their guardian will need to register and fill out a Participation Waiver. You may print the waiver out and bring it to the event or sign the waiver during sign in. We ask that all guardians accompany their children for the duration of the event.
Share with your Friends and Community!

This Event is Free! Please Register Below:
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