Volunteer Opportunities
When you volunteer with the Cache Creek Conservancy you share in the benefits of volunteering: reduced stress, finding friends, helping the community, and learning new skills. Volunteering also helps protect your mental and physical health.
We need help year round with a variety of tasks. Every season brings new volunteer opportunities; you can see the kinds of things we do below.
After signing up to volunteer, you will receive safety training as well as specific training to help make your volunteer experience as wonderful as possible.
Submit the form below and we’ll get in touch.

Restoration and Gardening
You can help restore Cache Creek by volunteering at Conservancy restoration sites throughout the watershed.
We frequently hold Community Planting Days in the fall and spring, which are one day events. Keep checking our Events page or sign up for the newsletter to be notified.
If you’d prefer a more regular schedule, there are opportunities during regular open hours in the Memorial Grove, the Tending and Gathering Garden or the small nursery.
Trail Maintenance and Repair
Be part of a team that helps to maintain and improve Cache Creek Nature Preserve trails. This is a great way for groups or co-workers interested in community service projects.
Trail maintenance is a year-round activity; however, in winter the trails are usually too soggy to work on, so the higher demand for volunteers is in the spring and summer.
Bird Box Monitoring
Who could resist baby barn owls, wood ducks, or tree swallows? Volunteers assist with monitoring and maintenance of bird boxes at the Nature Preserve. You could also monitor bird populations from egg to fledgling! This volunteer position is seasonal, starting in spring going into summer.
Building Maintenance
The Cache Creek Conservancy also maintains historic equipment, historic buildings, and not-so-historic buildings. If your skill set is more construction or minor repair focused, your assistance is most welcome!
Cache Creek Nature Preserve Tours
The Cache Creek Nature Preserve has a unique and interesting history. We are looking for a couple more docents to help lead groups on regular, Sunday morning tours, and for special appointments. We’ve developed a script and travel path and we’ll provide you with the training. People are quite interested in learning about this special place.
You should see a form in the green box below. If you don’t please feel free to Contact Us directly.