High School and College Programs
High School

High School and College level classes are encouraged to visit the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. The site is available for the instructor to conduct his/her own program outdoors in a rich and diverse habitat area.
Many high school students visit the Nature Preserve through the Center for Land-Based Learning’s SLEWS (Student and Landowner Education and Watershed Stewardship) program. The Nature Preserve provides an excellent space for an outdoor learning experience because of the wide variety of native plants found within those habitats—all within walking distance.

College-level education is most often taught by a course professor for specific class purposes. We make our site and facilities available at no cost.
For the past several years, one professor has brought her Wildlife Ecology lab students to the Preserve during the winter quarter to conduct research projects. Other college-level classes visit the Nature Preserve to observe the habitat and collect data for various projects. Our location is a short commute from UC Davis, Woodland Community College, and Sacramento State.

The Cache Creek Conservancy is always looking for interns to help at the Nature Preserve.
The internships include working in plant propagation, bird box monitoring, grounds keeping, and game camera monitoring. Additional modules will be added in coming months including a module in traditional ecological knowledge.
Please see our Internship Page for more information. Interns work outdoors planting, monitoring, and maintaining the plants and wildlife at the Nature Preserve.