Healthy Parks Healthy People
Parks: Gateway to Health

Healthy Parks Healthy People is a global movement with a holistic approach to promoting parks as a gateway to health. The Cache Creek Conservancy along with its partners are teaming together to bring this movement to Yolo County!
The Yolo Healthy Parks Healthy People project was originally funded by a grant from Dignity Health Foundation. The Hiking Photo Challenge grant was funded by the Teichert Foundation.
A walk at the any of the parks or open spaces listed below exposes visitors to increased biodiversity and natural sights and sounds. These factors can lead to psychological and physical benefits such as increase physical activity, lower blood glucose, vitamin D absorption, relaxation, and sense of awe and vitality which all support immune function. A healthy, functioning immune system results in health outcomes such as decrease in anxiety, depression, diabetes, migraines, and respiratory disease.
Did you know?

Did you know that nature provides many emotional and physical benefits for humans? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for tips on how nature can help you live a healthier life!
- Natural aromas from wood and plants have calming effects.
- Listening to birdsong and observing animals in nature promote well-being, improve mood and reduce stress.
- Walking through nature improves memory and cognitive function.
- Interacting with a green space increases social interactions which can prevent diseases like dementia.
- A 20 minute nature walk can reduce the need for ADHD and ADD medication in children!
- Frequent exposure to nature reduces anxiety and depression, while promoting a sense of well-being and fulfillment.
- And more…
How to Spend Time in Nature at the Preserve
Yoga at the Nature Preserve

Come enjoy the connection to nature, connection to yourself, and open space to breathe and be.
Our Yoga classes are an outdoor, hour-long class on Sunday mornings in the Spring and Summer.
The yoga style is inclusive and functional, offering movements and poses to help everybody build strength and balance, increase mobility and flexibility, and increase respiratory and somatic awareness. Our instructors offer variations and modifications to support all abilities.

Planting days, trail maintenance, guided tours, environmental education, and more.
Following health guidelines for physically and socially distanced events for individuals or small groups, our volunteers are involved, outside, and taking in the health benefits of nature!
Parks Near You

Check out the participating parks and green spaces by visiting Park RX America.
View parks in our area by typing in a city name and distance range. Expand the range to see more parks such as Capay Open Space Park in Esparto!
Ask your doctor for a nature script at your next appointment!
Visit Park RX America for all participating parks and natural areas.
Spending time in nature is good for your health, especially your immune system!

Education for Health Care Professionals
Outreach campaign to medical and health care professionals about the physical and mental health benefits of being in nature.

Dementia Family Visits
A series of monthly visits to the Cache Creek Nature Preserve for those living with Dementia (patients, families, caregivers)

Community Outreach and Education
Social and traditional media outreach about importance of nature to health. More events and opportunities to get outside below!
Partners of Yolo Healthy Parks Healthy People

#yolohealthyparkshealthypeople #yolohphp #parkRXamerica #parkRX
#natureRX #natureismedicine
Icons created by Arafat Uddin, Ranah Pixel Studio and Stephen Borengasser courtesy of The Noun Project.
Graphic credit: Ming Kuo. How might contact with nature promote human health? Promising mechanisms and a possible central pathway. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015; 6 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01093